Friday, November 02, 2007

Manifesting Stories: A Good Book

Okay, this one is a good one because it involves a few miracles. One of my very favorite authors is Dr. Wayne Dyer. His books always inspire me on a very deep level. He recently came out with a new book Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life that was released this summer. I ordered it back in March when it first came out for preorders. I desperately wanted it to read on my vacation which I was taking the last weekend in July but its scheduled release was August. Now I am not sure how publishing works, but I find in most areas, late is usually the norm. I still made the request to the Universe and then promptly forgot about it.

The Sunday before we were to leave, I received the notice from Amazon that my book was on its way. I was amazed! Not only was it published on time, it was released early. But we were leaving on Thursday morning and I find my Amazon deliveries always take a minimum of 5 days and with the notice coming on Sunday, it probably wouldn’t go out until Monday. Again, I was disappointed, but my husband reminded me to manifest it. (Thank goodness for family members!) I checked my Amazon account on Monday and it had yet to be picked up. Ahhh!!!! I was feeling a bit frantic. When I felt that feeling, I knew I needed to relax so I had a couple of fun days and forgot about it. You know how the story ends, don’t you? It came Wednesday morning! I truly saw this one as a miracle.

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